

Easter Sunday in Stratford.
Our little man is brilliant - morning mass, drive to Stratford, lunch at a restaurant, walk in a really cold air and drive back. All together 7 hours and he didn't cry even once! He smiled for most of the time, we had some laughs too :)

Niedziela Wielkanocna w Stratford.
Nasz synek jest niesamowity - poranna msza, podroz do Stratford, lunch w restauracji, spacer w przenikliwym wietrze i podroc powrotna. Wszystko razem 7 godzin i zero placzu, co wiecej glownie sie usmiechal, mielismy nawet troche smiechu w glos :)


I know it's beautiful but it's time for Winter to go...

Mimo piekna, czas zeby tegoroczna zima ustapila miejsca wiosnie...



we're on the move, so we had to lower the cot bed. he seems to like it :)

Adas zaczyna raczkowac, wiec trzeba bylo obnizyc lozeczko. chyba mu sie podoba :)


few instagram photos from today's walk at Eastside Park.

kilka instagramowych zdjecia z dzisiejszego spaceru po Eastside Park.

small changes in the nursery.

male zmiany w pokoju Adasia.

8 months

I thought I would write more often, posting photographs of Adam documenting his growth but everyday life is more busy than I thought it would be.
Our little man is 8 months today! It's hard to believe but I guess we should give you a brief update.
Still, besides the bottom two, there are no more teeth but his mouth is full with new 'words' - 'dada', 'tata', 'dih', 'tih'... When you look at his chubby legs you can tell he has an appetite for pretty much anything ;)
Many smiles, happy screams and waving with his arms, show that he's a very happy baby.
He crawls, only backwards and sideways but I'm sure he'll get there soon!
And there he is, our little bundle of joy, at the age of 8 months.

Myslalam, ze bede pisac czesciej, dokumentujac rozwoj Adasia zdjeciami, niestety codziennosc na to nie pozwala.
Nasze malenstwo konczy dzis 8 miesiecy! Trudno w to uwierzyc. Na miejscu bedzie wiec mala aktualizacja.
Nadal, poza dwoma dolnymi jedynkami, nie ma zebow, za to buzia pelna nowych "slow" - "dada", "tata", "dih", "tih"... Patrzac na jego tlusciutkie nozki, od razu widac, ze ma apetyt na wszystko ;)
Usmiechy, radosne piski i machanie raczkami, to tylko niektore oznaki jego radosnego charakteru.
Adas raczkuje, jak dotad tylko do tylu, ale na pewno juz niedlugo wykombinuje jak poruszac sie naprzod!
Tak wiec takie jest to nasze szczescie w wieku osmiu miesiecy.



So, after a though week - Adam being really ill and spending a night at a&e (high fever) - we took advantage of the fact that antibiotic started to work. We came out from our 'cave' and visited our near by Lichfield.
Here few photographs from our visit at the cathedral and a coffee shop ;)

W koncu, po ciezkim tygodniu - Adas bardzo chorowal i spedzil noc na pogotowiu (wysoka goraczka) - postanowilismy wykorzystac fakt, ze antybiotyk pomogl. Wyszlismy zatem z domu i odwiedzilismy pobliskie Lichfield.
Tutaj kilka zdjec z naszej wizyty w tamtejszej katedrze i kawiarni ;)